Paths for freedom and progress
How “Environment” is abused. What is it really about ?
NOTICE ARCHIVE - 19/10/2019

How “Environment” is abused. What it really is about:The Environment question is strictly connected with the consumption of raw material. So, how could ever strict Materialistic politics whose base are Capitalism or Communism, seriously and honestly defend Nature ? If Economic Growth is their agenda, the growth of consumption is the fuel in their politics. Forget that Green-Red movements will benefit the issue. The political aspect of Environment has a very different beginning.


Regarding politics on Environment, the Nazi government was the first in history to pass a law protecting the natural environment says Israeli historian historian Dr. Boaz Neumann of Tel Aviv University's Department of History. In 1935, two years after the Nazis rose to power, the German government passed a Reich law for the protection of the natural environment, a law whose scope was unprecedented at the time and whose goal was to protect and care for the homeland's natural environment. The law included regulations for the protection of flora and fauna, as well as for the conservation of unique natural phenomena of scientific importance and of aesthetic and cultural value. These natural phenomena included Germany's celebrated forests, which were considered a central component of the German national identity


The law also established procedures for the definition of nature reserves and authorized the state to expropriate land for the sake of such reserves without providing any compensation to the owners of the land. In addition, attempts were made to formulate laws for the prevention of air pollution. The Reich's green laws forbade the slaughtering of animals that had not been previously anaesthetized and fixed limits on experiments on animals. Within the context of the Reich's laws for the protection of the natural environment, organic agriculture, which encouraged the use of manual plowshares in small farms instead of heavy machinery, was advanced. (Source Esther Zandberg, Haaretz)


How is it today?  In one and another way, all mainstream politics are focused to pay for received votes returning Economic Growth. That´s the modern political message: Give me vote, I give you money. Pure business. The mainstream individuals seek in first place better private Economy and vote on the Party which satisfy his individual needs, or as cutting taxes, either giving subsidies. Democracy turns society strictly egoistic and materialistic in opposition to Nationalist or Religious based politics.  It is clearly understood, if Economic Growth is obtained, then the Political goal is satisfied. This business is of course against the Environment.


Economic growth is the increase in the market of the goods and services produced by an economy over time. It is conventionally measured as the percent rate of increase in real gross domestic product, or real GDP, normally annual.


Nature has provided basically two sources of wealth at man's disposal, 1) A stock of terrestrial mineral resources; 2) A flow of solar energy. Asymmetry between these two sources of wealth exist in that we may — within some practical limits — extract the mineral stock at a rate of our own choosing (that is, rapidly), whereas the flow of solar energy is reaching earth at a rate beyond human control. Since the Sun will continue to shine on earth at a fixed rate for billions of years to come, it is the terrestrial mineral stock — and not the Sun — that constitutes the crucial scarcity factor regarding man's economic future. (Source Daly).


Today's global ecological problems are rooted in man's historical record: Until the Industrial Revolution that took place in Britain in the second half of the 18th century, man lived within the limits imposed by a  kind of solar-income budget: The primitive tribes of hunter-gatherers and the later agricultural societies before mechanizing subsisted primarily, though not exclusively, on earth's biosphere, powered by an ample supply of renewable energy, received from the Sun. The Industrial Revolution changed this situation completely, as man began extracting the terrestrial mineral stock at a rapidly increasing rate. The original solar-income budget was thereby broken and supplemented by the new, but much scarcer source of wealth. (Source Daly).


The entire evolution of the biosphere was projected around a fixed point — the constant solar-energy budget. Modern man has broken the solar-income budget constraint, and this has thrown him out of equilibrium with the rest of the biosphere. Natural cycles have become overloaded, and new materials have been produced for which no natural cycles exist. Man is the only species to overrun the limit of the solar energy budget. Entropy is the basic physical coordinate of scarcity. Entropy is the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system. The second law of thermodynamics says that entropy always increases with time. Were it not for entropy, we could use and reuse our material resources, we could burn the same gallon of gasoline over and over, and our capital stock would never wear out. Technology is unable to rise above the basic laws of physics, so there is no question of ever 'inventing' a way to recycle energy. Recycling of material resources is possible, but only by using up some energy resources as well as an additional amount of other material resources; and energy resources, in turn, cannot be recycled at all, but are dissipated as waste heat. Out of necessity, then, any subsystem of a fixed nongrowing system must itself at some point also become nongrowing.  (Source Daly).


Since the 1970s, Herman Daly has been the world's leading proponent of a steady-state economy. Throughout his career, Daly has published several books and articles on the subject. Some disappointing is how Daly´s nice and well argument theories are followed and shadowed by his bureaucratic — or even technocratic — top-down management of the economy, paradoxical fares badly with the leftist  grassroots appeal of degrowth. Daly recommends that a system of permanent government restrictions on the economy is established as soon as possible, a steady-state economy. Whereas the classical economists believed that the final stationary state would settle by itself as the rate of profit fell and capital accumulation came to an end Daly wants to create the steady-state politically by establishing three institutions of the state as a superstructure on top of the present market economy:


1. The first institution is to correct inequality to some extent by putting minimum and maximum limits on incomes, maximum limits on wealth, and then redistribute accordingly.
2. The second institution is to stabilise the population by issuing transferable reproduction licenses to all fertile women at a level corresponding with the general replacement fertility in society.
3. The third institution is to stabilise the level of capital by issuing and selling depletion quotas that impose quantitative restrictions on the flow of resources through the economy. Quotas effectively minimise the through out of resources necessary to maintain any given level of capital (as opposed to taxes, that merely alter the prevailing price structure).


Coming to administrative issues, Daly´s ideas sounds like pure Communism and Totalitary State, so it´s clear how the  basical Ecological preservation ideas from Nazism have been hijacked to Left politics. The Communist ghost reveals herself in the Environment questions, trying to install a Soviet International World State, using Environment protection. The Capitalism, on its way, make a Global Totalitar business of  Environment. Just the Certificated Trusts are trustful. It is difficult to get convinced that the big interest in Environment issues are rooted in true interest for Nature.
Where are solutions which preserve sovereign, local tribes and culture, particular regions or Nations, free from Communism or Capitalism and which by moderate consumption behaviour is capable to care about Environment issues – exactly what animals instinctively always have done and as our ancestors managed to fit in past times?

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Views: 455055 - Atualizado: 09-05-2024