Paths for freedom and progress
The Rape of the Mind in a totalitarian global empire
NOTICE ARCHIVE - 24/09/2021

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, reflecting on the Soviet Union’s descent into totalitarian rule  wrote the following in “The Gulag Archipelago": “We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation. . .we hurried to submit. We submitted with pleasure! … We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.” 

If we are unfortunate enough to be living in a world flirting with the sickness of totalitarianism, what can we do ?

The video  “A Killing of the Mind” shows the brutal truth of the totalitarian tyranny of the present global empire.

Dr. Joost Meerloo wrote in his book “The Rape of the Mind” on totalitarianism:
“The cult of passivity and so-called relaxation is one of most dangerous developments of our times. Essentially, it represents a camouflage pattern, the double wish not to see the dangers and challenges of life and not to be seen. . .Silent, lonely relaxation with alcohol, drugs, anti-depressives, sweets, the television screen. . . may soothe the mind into a passivity that may gradually make it vulnerable to the seductive ideology of some feared enemy.

An alternative to backward escape in passivity, is the physical escape which is to relocate to a place that offers more freedom. But there are problems with this form of escape. Firstly, for many people it is not practical to pack up and move to a new land. Furthermore, if we live at a time when the rise of tyranny is a global phenomenon, the totalitarianism is permitted to proliferate the places that are free now, but may not remain so for long. Running away, like escaping backward, is not the ideal solution to the rise of totalitarianism, instead the solution is to escape forward into a new and better reality.

What does the forward escape entail? Many people cede to the commands of would-be totalitarians because they believe that so doing is the quickest means to return to some semblance of normality. But this is a cowardly and ignorant way to act. For compliance only emboldens totalitarian regimes. Compliance is the food that feeds totalitarians. Compliance is not, and never will be, the path back to some form of normality. Rather non-compliance and civil disobedience are essential to counter the rise of totalitarian rule. But in addition to resistance, a forward escape into a reality absent the sickness of totalitarian rule requires the construction of a parallel society.

A parallel society serves two main purposes: it offers pockets of freedom to those rejected by the totalitarian system, or who refuse to participate in it, and it forms the foundation for a new society that can grow out of the ashes of the destruction wrought by the totalitarians. Václav Havel, a dissident under the communist rule of Czechoslovakia, later president of the Czech Republic, explains in his book “The Power of the Powerless” that there are innumerable ways to contribute to the construction of a parallel society.

One can build technologies that promote freedom, run a business that resists the sick society, one can create media or educational institutions that counter the lies and propaganda of the state, or one can create music, literature or artwork that counters the staleness of totalitarian culture. The parallel society is a decentralized and voluntary alternative to the centralized and coercive control of the totalitarian society.

When enough resistance in plenty of creative parallell societies gains the attention from the raped victims of the regime and the regime have lost all confidence and the camouflage  colour is cracking down, everybody, even the blind believer, will know how bad it is. The ultimate phase of this process is the situation in which the official structures simply begin withering away and dying off, to be replaced by new structures that have evolved from ‘below’ and are put together in a fundamentally different way.  
This text  about MASS PSYCHOSIS - How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL - is an excerpt from this video:
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Views: 455276 - Atualizado: 09-05-2024