Paths for freedom and progress
Gods chosen people speaks out
NOTICE ARCHIVE - 07/06/2022

In West we have learned how Jews have been victims of persecution. We shall never forget. The Jews are Gods chosen people. They are something special and when they suffer, we also suffer. We are chocked and sad over the extermination of Jews in concentration camps. Yes, other people also were prisoned in those camps, political opponents for example, but the real bad thing was that the Jews where killed - just for being Jews.

The reasons that other people also where killed in masses in the Second World War are maybe more compreehensive. Civils must die by bombings, women have to be raped by soldiers and young boys have to be mad at the front - if not killed by the bullets. It seems they deserved more to die, or ? Well, as Jews are considered the main victim for the very serious crime RACISM, maybe we should expect they treat others as they self want to be treated? Welcomed in every country. Eligible for high positions. Receivers of benefits and military help if necessary. Protected and free to excercise their politics and culture wherever they are.

So we suppose they treat others as they self want to be treated. Like in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPxv4Aff3IA&list=WL&index=1&t=5s
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Views: 455320 - Atualizado: 09-05-2024